f6A+ / V3 - Iron Mining
- 'Iron Mining' is found at 3 Rocks on the Green Man Boulder.
- There are a number of lines on this boulder all around f3-f6B
- Guidebook for this area: Bouldering.FYI
- For the location of this boulder (and any boulder featured on Bouldering.FYI), feel free to check out our free Forest of Dean Bouldering Maps and Topos page. On this page you will find links to the dedicated pages describing the different areas in the Forest & Wye Valley.
- Also, if you are enjoying this post, feel free to subscribe to the Bouldering.FYI YouTube channel, for the latest Forest of Dean Bouldering problems.
Boulder instructions:
Sit start using a good hold on the right arete, left hand left arete, feet on the face. Make your way up compressing both aretes, topout on jugs. Powerful!